Money used to be made of gold silver or copper. Right up to the first world war, you could change paper money for gold sovereigns at the Bank of England. Then it could be changed for US dollars, and central banks could change those for gold. But since the 1970’s paper money is only supported by the fact that businesses accept it.Silver and copper coins have become copper plated steel. Paper money has become figures on a computer screen. When you borrow money from a bank they simply write it on your facebook timeline, more or less, and charge you interest.
Time to get a bit more dignity. Let’s have our own money, at least as a symbol. So I’ve set up an association to promote an alternative money. We’re starting with the 1920’s French chamber of commerce coins. They were not issued by any governement and replaced the governement issued coins, because the metal they were made of had become worth more than the face value. They are made of bronze alu, and so contain copper unlke any new UK coin, as they are nearly all now steel, with just a coating of nickel or copper.