Diet update, one year

71.9Kg before the holiday but 73.8Kg 7 days later. The food seemed to be manufactured and then heated up by the chef. We left after being served duck with blood still flowing, made worse by the offer to cook it a bit more. Duck slightly heated twice has to be risky. When we ate with french family over chrismas I put on no weight at all. Some french restaurants serve food cooked on the premises, and some serve manufactured food, the difference is very imporant. We went to the art café in Sagonne yesterday and had hot chocolate to drink, which turned out to be cocoa made with milk, and add sugar lumps if you want. Wonderful.

15th August 2013, 71.1 Kg so slight loss. Total of 11 Kgs over the year so I’m now the same weight I was 34 years ago.

Diet update, supermarkets, horses and Bank on Dave

73.9 so, very slow loss, but inside the so-called normal range.
A revolutionary government is needed more than ever. Supermarkets are not only making people fat, they are selling food products that may well contain worm-meat for all they know, or care. The horse-meat scandel was exposed by the Irish authorities, not the UK Food standards agency. Why aren’t the supermarkets that sold contaminated own-brand products being prosecuted, or closed down? Do you think a small butcher would have the same treatment?
The Financial services authority ordered the tiny savings and loan company known as bank on Dave to stop taking savings, because they thought that it looked as though he might have been operating in an unregulated manner. They have since decided that there was in fact no breach of the regulations and he can once again take deposits. So why haven’t the big banks who actually broke regulations been stopped from taking deposits?
Do government agencies actually do any good? Well not the FSA or the FSA. They’re just FSA’s aren’t they?

Diet update


74.6 Kg, Over Christmas we ate French food including a 5 hour Christmas dinner with masses of Chocolate, but chocolates made by hand at  the shop. my weight stayed steady, and then since has very gradually reduced, so  we’ve been eating chocolate made in our local chocolaterie for the last couple of days.

It’s not chocolate that makes you fat, it’s manufactured supermarket chocolate.

Diet update

75.4 Kg this morning, so slight loss, and just entering the top end of ideal weight. So I really believe that its manufactured food and supermarket temptation that makes a lot of people overweight. It’s so easy to buy more than you need because the pack is too big, or its its cheaper to buy 3. Then once you’ve bought it it’s easy to eat it. I was shocked to hear that the doctor in charge of the ward for clinically obese people in Sunderland say that he couldn’t stop the sweets and drinks trolly coming round. But there’s worse. The patient who had failed to loose weight said he had only bought juice and fizzy drinks, not sweets. The doctors reaction was that he must have bought sweets. The 50’s style diet I am recommending has tea coffee cocoa and milk to drink, although I do have a couple of whiskeys with orange juice a week I don’t claim that that helps weight loss. Does the doctor really not thnk that drinks,  supermarket style, can keep you fat? The juice made from reconstituted pulp has probably lost most of its vitamin C.