Wages should be at a level than an ordinary person can live on. On the other hand a global market place employment will tend to move to counties where wages are lowest. Free market forces should lead to a reasonable balance, but that’s not what’s happening. Markets aren’t free, they are manipulated. The price of commodities is fixed by futures and options markets, and curency exchange rates are fixed on the forex market in the US. Because of leverage, often a far greater amount of an item is traded on the exchanges than actually exists in reality. David Cameron once said that England couldn’t compete in the manufacture of ordinary clothing, and wouldn’t want to, but there is a place for English
business in the higher end of the market. No-one wants a job in a clothes factory that pays £ 400 a week + 4 silver shillings? The skills still exist, and keen workers could be trained in a few months, and the average pay in the textile industry in the UK is £ 612 a week. So surely £ 400 is reasonable to start rising to £ 600 for skilled efficient workers, and more for the more difficult jobs. English workers have better social conditions than Bangladeshi workers. The UK consumer should pay the same towards pensions, heath cover etc. wheather the item is made in England or not. The revolutionary will lower Nation insurance contributions for English workers and their employers and charge the equivalent in customs duties on goods arriving from countries where the workers have no such cover.
Countries that provide reasonable cover for their workers will be exempt. This should help to improve conditions in the far east whilst providing employment at reasonable rates in England.
Tag Archives: National insurance
National Insurance, pensions.
National insurance is a tax, rather than an insurance, although the pension you recieve, sick pay and so on are related to it. We have abolished working tax credit, so that leaves working people needing to live on what they earn. Nightmare? Well not really, not if it’s possible to put the money you earn in your pocket and then spend it on things you need, and maybe even things you want. The revolutionary will make National insurance a tax on income, not work. All income will be subject to it. Investment income, rents, capital gains, and the rate will be 5%. All income, includes that earned by non residents, on renting out property in England, for example. Employers will pay 6% on all payments and benefits given to employees. There will be no upper or lower limits. Pensions will be subject to the tax.
It is in fact practically impossible to save for a pension, even if you have the money to invest, the investments can very well go down as well as up. The state pension needs to be adequate. A couple should get at least the equivalent of one person on minimum wage. That would be £247 from october, less 5% NI gives £234 for a couple, £ 140 for a single person. The revolutionary government will pay this for anyone over 67 years old with 40 years contributions. SERPS pensions already earned will be paid (less 5% NI) but future earnings will not generate further entitlements to SERPS.